Scientific Research Center

Social and economic systemsInternational electronic scientific journal

Submission requirements

General requirements

The materials (article, abstract, author information) should be submitted in Russian or in English. The length of the paper should exceed 7 pages. The limit of 10 - 20 pages in A4 format is preferable. The article should be typeset in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman 14 pt font, 1.5 line spacing, ½ inch indentation, full justification, automatic hyphenation). Page margin is 20 mm. The pages should not be numbered.

Title of the article

UDC number: left-aligned, 14 pt font.
Next line: title of the article (no more than two lines, capital, bold, 14 pt, center alignment).
Next line: author’s surname with initials (14 pt, bold, center alignment).
Preceded by a blank line, 14 pt: abstract (100 - 140 words, 12 pt Times New Roman, 1.2 spacing).
Next line: keywords (5 - 7 keywords in 12 pt Times New Roman font).

The abstract and keywords are submitted in the original language of the manuscript. The abstract should render the content of the article and sum up the latest key research findings.

Text of the article

The text of the paper is preceded by a blank line, 14 pt after the abstract. The minimum originality standard for the publication should be at least 80%. The main body of the article should be structured by the following sections: aims and objectives, methods, results, summary (conclusions).  It is recommended to highlight thematic sections in the article: introduction indicating the aim of the study and summary comprising the key findings of the study. It is advisable that the main body of the article includes 2 - 4 sections with headings reflecting the section contents. The section headings are in bold, 14 pt Times New Roman font, left justified, ½ inch indentation and 6 pt spacing above and below. Formulae and equations should be centered and numbered at the right side. Figures and tables should be center-justified. The headings “Figure” and “Table” are in 14 pt size, the text within the table is 12 pt. The title of the table is in 14 pt Times New Roman font, left-justified.


The heading “References” (14 pt, bold, center alignment) should be typed at the end of the article preceded by 14 pt spacing. The reference list (12 pt, 1.2 line spacing) should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules”. The list should be arranged in alphabetical order (first Russian sources, then foreign ones). The first and the latest revised editions should be provided for statutory acts. In-text citations are given in square brackets. For example, without quotation [8]; when quoting or paraphrasing the author’s words [8, p. 72].


Provide information on research funding sources (font size 12).

Author Information

Surname, First Name, Patronymic, academic degree, academic rank, place of work, city, country, e-mail.

Send the manuscript